3. Upload Your Product File


You may upload your CSV product file by first going to your Collection page, then clicking on Edit Profile, and then on Import Items.

After the prompt box appears, please click on the CSV file option.  Then you may drag and drop your CSV product file into the gray box and click on Begin Import.

You will then need to click on your Workdesk and then on Product Import.  You will need to approve your most recent upload here in order for it to appear in your Collection.

Watch this video for step by step instructions.

Download the template here.

  • You may manually add products to your Collection by clicking Edit Profile, then Add An Item. Please watch the video above for step by step directions.

    Please note that the order of the products and Product Tags may only be added and edited through the CSV file. It is not possible to manually change the order of products on the site or add product tags.

  • It is best to always make any edits or changes to your products with your CSV Product File and then re-upload it. Re-uploading your Product File will overwrite the existing data with the new file.

    Uploading a new product file will not automatically delete a product. This is a safety measure. The only way to delete a product is to click on that product, click on Edit, and then on Delete. If you want to remove a product that hasWatch this video for step by step instructions. sold, it is best to not delete it but to "Save as a Draft". This will hide the product from view but it is still in the system and can still appear on old POs. Uploading a new file that is missing some products will force those "old" products to the top of your list.

    Watch this video for step by step instructions.

  • While on your Collection Page, click on Edit Profile, then click on Export Items. This will automatically download your current product file to your computer.

    You may use this file to make any edits to products and then re-upload the file to see those changes reflected in your Collection.

    Watch this video for step by step instructions.

  • While you can always delete a product, this will delete that product entirely from the system. If that product has been sold, it will appear in red on the PO and if the PO has yet to be charged, you will be unable to charge for those deleted products.

    If you would like to keep a product in the system, however hide it from view or sales, then you may click on "Save Draft" to mark it as Inactive.

    To mark a product as a Draft, click on Edit Profile, then click on the desired product, then click SAVE DRAFT - this will keep the product within the system and you may switch it to Active at anytime in order to bring it back into view and available for purchase. You may find draft products in your DRAFTS folder.