
Welcome to Shoppe Online — Shoppe Object's Online marketplace. We’re SO glad you’ll be joining us. We’ve worked hard to create a space that's exciting, engaging and equitable, and that is easy to manage and navigate for brands and buyers alike.

  • This document covers the following topics: building profiles and product showrooms, tips for best practices and technical protocol, processing payments, integrations, marketing, and much more.

    Please use the “Return To Index” button at the bottom of any page to navigate to different sections of this manual.

    We suggest working on the following tasks in the following order:

    1. Your Product File

    2. Your Brand Profile Page

    3. Review Shoppe Online Marketing Opportunities

    4. Learning how to process payment and communicate with buyers

    5. Learning how to interpret your Analytics

    6. Review the Important Information section and Best Practices

    Link to Log On to Shoppe Online - https://shoppeobject.meetribbon.com/Login/agency

  • Virtual Exhibitor Support: hello@shoppeobject.com
    Live Show Exhibitor Support: operations@shoppeobject.com
    Marketing: connect@shoppeobject.com
    Sales: sales@shoppeobject.com
    Accounting: accounting@shoppeobject.com

    Link to Log On to Shoppe Online - https://shoppeobject.meetribbon.com/Login/agency

  • Shoppe Object Season 11, Live in NYC

    NYC Show Dates: August 4, 2024 - August 6, 2024
    Shoppe Online Season: July 15, 2024 - January 14, 2025

    Two Weeks after receiving the Welcome Email: Shoppe Online “Brand Profile” Page Uploaded.

    One Month after receiving the Welcome Email: Shoppe Online “Product Collection” Uploaded.

    June 14, 2024: Shoppe Object team to provide promotional assets to market the new Shoppe Online and Shoppe Object season.

    July 5, 2024: Profile completion; failure to have profile complete by this date could result in delay of launch on Shoppe Online.

    July 5, 2024: Marketing + Press image submissions due. Click HERE to submit.

    July 15, 2024: Shoppe Online goes live.


    Shoppe Object - High Point Season 3, Live in High Point, NC

    High Point Show Dates: October 26, 2024 - October 29, 2024
    Shoppe Online Season: October 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025

    Two Weeks after receiving the Welcome Email: Shoppe Online “Brand Profile” Page Uploaded.

    One Month after receiving the Welcome Email: Shoppe Online “Product Collection” Uploaded.

    September 3, 2024: Shoppe Object team to provide promotional assets to market the new Shoppe Online and Shoppe Object season.

    September 17, 2024: Marketing + Press image submissions due. Click HERE to submit.

    September 17, 2024: Profile completion; failure to have profile complete by this date could result in delay of launch on Shoppe Online.

    October 1, 2024: Shoppe Online goes live.