Sales & Analytics

Your view into how your shop is performing.

  • Shoppe Online works with Stripe for payment processing on the platform. Please watch the tutorial video here to learn how to connect your Stripe account to Shoppe Online.


    The Shoppe Online platform currently uses Stripe as a built-in gateway for processing payments. You may charge for orders directly on Shoppe Online or through the Stripe website. Orders and credit card information will be transferred directly to your Stripe account. While logged in to the Stripe website, you may process refunds, dictate what will appear on the buyer's statement, and securely save the buyer's card information for the ability to charge for re-orders, partial fulfillments etc.


    Buyers are asked to connect a credit card to their account when they create their profile. This will be the credit card that is used during purchases. No one can view this credit card information, only the last four digits will appear on the PO, making the credit card information 100% PCI compliant. Buyers do have the option to not list a credit card and instead ask for a different payment method from you. If using a different payment method, please refer to your specific account for security.


    Shoppe Online does not take any portion or commission from sales. The only fee is the credit card processing fee (Stripe is 2.9% + .30 cents per transaction and if using a different payment gateway, please refer to your account for fees specific to that gateway).


    Brands may set what the buyer will see on their statement through their account on the Stripe website.

    It can take 7-10 business days for a payment to appear in your bank account from the time the card is charged.


    You may process refunds directly through the Stripe website.


    If you are using Stripe or one of our supported gateways, you will have the ability to add shipping costs before charging the buyer's card.


    You may also connect one of 40+ additional gateways for an additional fee. For most brands, exporting your orders as CSV and fulfilling through Stripe (included) should do the job. For an additional fee, brands will be able to feed orders from Shoppe Online directly into their order management systems. However if you feel it’s more efficient to stream orders to your order management system and charge through a Gateway of your choice, that option is now available.

    Click HERE to view details and pricing, and to submit. The additional price will be added to your Shoppe Online invoice. We’ll open a ticket for you in our support system to get you set up.


    You may always disconnect your Stripe account from Shoppe Online by logging in to Then click on Business Settings, Team & Security, Authorized Applications. There you will see Ribbon and may choose to disconnect.

  • When you are ready to process payment for an order, please click on PROCESS PO next to the PO. A window will appear asking for you to enter the dollar amount that you would like to charge now (you may charge the full amount or a portion if you wish to only partially fulfill the order), any shipping charges, and then hit CHARGE CARD.

    We always suggest confirming shipping prices with the buyer directly before charging however there is no action that must be taken regarding shipping costs prior to charging the card.

    Pre-Authorizing a Card
    Please let us know if you would like the ability to pre-authorize a buyer's card for a certain amount. This is a feature that would be turned on for you.

    How to Edit an Order
    Only draft POs can be edited. If a change needs to happen after the PO has been submitted and is Confirmed, then the buyer would need to cancel the PO and submit a new one.

    Exporting POs
    At the top of your Orders page, there is an EXPORT POS button. Click this to immediately download all of your POs into a spreadsheet.

  • For an additional fee, brands will be able to feed orders from Shoppe Online directly into their order management systems. For most brands, exporting your orders as CSV and fulfilling through Stripe (included) should do the job. However if you feel it’s more efficient to stream orders to your order management system and charge through a Gateway of your choice, that option is now available.

    Click HERE to view details and pricing, and to submit. The additional price will be added to your Shoppe Online invoice. We’ll open a ticket for you in our support system to get you set up.


Buyer Communication

Please view the tutorial below

  • You will receive links to buyer profiles (profiles contain their email address) when:

    • A buyer creates a draft purchase order.

    • A buyer confirms a purchase order.

    • A buyer visits your page and requests to connect with you. This will appear as an "Interested Buyer" in your analytics.

    • A buyer favorites one of your items or favorites your brand.

    • When you scan a buyer's badge at the physical show

  • In addition to the ways listed above where you may receive access to a buyer's profile, buyers may also choose to reach out directly via email. Each brand will have an email icon as well as an appointment request icon on their profile page.

    The Email Button
    Buyers who click on the email button will be taken to an inquiry form where they will enter their contact details and a brief message. This will send your account email (same as your username) an email with their message and contact details.

    The Appointment Request Button
    Buyers who click on the appointment request button will be taken to an inquiry form where they will enter their contact details and select a date and time from a calendar. This will send your account email (same as your username) an email with their contact details and requested meeting time.

  • You may meet and conference by video on Shoppe Online! Brands may receive video chat requests from buyers and may also host their own video conferences, studio tours, collection reviews, and in-depth one-on-ones with single buyers or groups!

    Pre-Scheduled Brand Conferences
    Instead of waiting for requests from buyers, you may work in advance of the show to schedule meetings by emailing your buyer list and letting them know your availability or announcing special video presentations. For example: "JOIN US FOR A COLLECTION REVIEW AT 3PM ON MONDAY". Five minutes prior to your scheduled meeting or presentation, you will click on the chat icon on your profile page to initiate a video chat. Copy and paste the link that appears in the pop up window and email it to your meeting guests or share it on your website/social media.

    Buyer Requested Video Chats
    Buyers may click on the Video Chat icon to request a specific time to video chat. You will receive an email notification when this happens. You may then contact the buyer directly to confirm a meeting time. When it is time for the meeting, you will click on your own video chat icon on your profile to receive a special link. Share this link with all participants in order to video chat. Links expire within a few hours, so please only click the icon to receive your link at the time of the meeting.

    Text Chat
    You use the same video chat rooms with the video turned off to engage in text based live chatting. Buyers will request text chatting sessions the same way as video sessions and brands may initiate text chatting sessions in the same way, by clicking on the chat icon on their profile five minutes prior to any pre-scheduled text meeting.

    We strongly encourage everyone to watch the tutorial video above to familiarize themself with the video and chat feature.


Analytics & Notifications

Please review the tutorial below

Both brands and buyers will have a unique QR code that will be scannable within the Shoppe Online website. THIS IS A CLOSED SYSTEM, so scanning the QR code from a standard mobile camera will not work.

Buyers who scan brand QR codes will instantly be taken to that brand's collection page. Scanned brands will be saved in the buyer's analytics for them to review later as well. Brands will receive numeric metrics in their analytics regarding buyers who scanned them during the live show, but will not receive any other information until a buyer takes an action to share their details.

Brands who scan buyer QR codes will instantly be taken to a new Draft Purchase Order where the brand may begin to draft an order on the buyers behold, all in real time. Draft PO's may then be submitted or saved to be updated and submitted later. All scanned buyer codes will appear in the brands analytics page with buyer contact information.

Hello, World!


Brands will receive emails to their personal emails for the following:

  • A confirmed order placed

  • A buyer has clicked on your email icon to send you a direct email

  • A buyer has requested to connect with you

  • Requests for Video Chat meetings

  • An order has been canceled

Brands will not receive email notifications for analytic information such as:

  • New Draft purchase orders

  • Page Views

  • Bookmarked Products

  • That their brand has been favorited

  • Product Views

Buyers will receive emails for the following:

  • Confirming the PO was sent to the vendor

  • A canceled order

  • A reminder to take action on a Draft PO

The Analytics Dashboard

On your Analytics dashboard, you will see the following data:

  • Total number of Orders (including drafts)

  • Total number of Page Views

  • Total number of Bookmarked products by buyers

  • Total number of Products Viewed in detail

  • Total number of Video Chat requests

  • List of Interested Buyers with links to their profiles and links to message them

  • List of Bookmarked Products with links to message those buyers

  • List of buyers who have "favorited" your brand with links to message those buyers

  • NEW! Analytics on the number of buyers who scanned your QR code at the physical show.

  • NEW! List of buyers who were scanned by you at the physical show.