Posts in Wellness
Le Bain

Begun by Indus Valley peoples, Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, bathing has been a treasured, sacred and spiritual rite of civilization for thousands of years. Cold, hot, and every temperature in between, cultures and religions everywhere value bathing for reasons hygienic, ritualistic and transcendental. With family members in a Hinoki soaker in Japan, a social, thermal dip in the magnesium-rich waters of a Palm Springs resort, or just an hour of alone time in a shallow fiberglass tub in your apartment, one thing’s certain; bathing is special. Pamper, indulge and make bath time better with all the accouterments for an amazing bathroom sesh; think candles, books, salts, scrubs, herbs, brushes, rubber duckies, soaps, oils, lotions, mellow tunes or sweet silence.


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High Times

To be frank, we’re totally onboard with the theories about Cannabis Prohibition being some larger evil scheme to keep wellness away from the people. And worse, we know the federal ban of cannabis in the US was directly related to the influx of Mexican immigrants to Southern states after the turn of the last century, who brought with them a cultural tradition of smoking marijuana in cigarettes and pipes for medicinal purposes (Americans had up until then mainly been using oil or hashish orally). So basically this fear-of-other turned into a vilification campaign of both Mexicans and cannabis (they threw hemp in there too, thanks to a W. R. Hearst-led mission to stamp out this cheaper and more eco-sound alternative to wood pulp…


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