Le Bain


Begun by Indus Valley peoples, Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, bathing has been a treasured, sacred and spiritual rite of civilization for thousands of years. Cold, hot, and every temperature in between, cultures and religions everywhere value bathing for reasons hygienic, ritualistic and transcendental. With family members in a Hinoki soaker in Japan, a social, thermal dip in the magnesium-rich waters of a Palm Springs resort, or just an hour of alone time in a shallow fiberglass tub in your apartment, one thing’s certain; bathing is special. Pamper, indulge and make bath time better with all the accouterments for an amazing bathroom sesh; think soft towels and mats, candles, books, salts, scrubs, herbs, brushes, rubber duckies, soaps, oils, lotions, mellow tunes or sweet silence.