Granny Chic


Grandmas, Nanas, Abuelas, Pau-Paus and MeeMaws always seem to have a slight floral or sandalwood scent, pockets or purses filled with wrapped candies or gum, well-worn clothes that have carried them through the years, the softest delicate skin, and of course, a singular kind of love for her grandchildren unique only to that special relationship. Grandmothers carry the wisdom of age, depth of experience and are freer to do as they please. Stereotypes have them socializing over hobbies like puzzles and bingo, or working fastidiously, carrying on and perfecting old traditions like cooking or craft. But times have changed, and modern grandmas (including those of our own children!) are playing tennis multiple days a week, are super tech savvy, still work, and sometimes party like it's 1999.  So though the notion of quiet little ladies in overstuffed chintz chairs is a bit passé, there’s a romance about the essence and trappings of the Grans of yesteryear that is so comforting. Sweet florals, handknits, craft supplies, old world ornamentation, papers and perfumes transport us to simpler times with a loving embrace and a gentle touch.