Places Everyone


In this age of Corona, we must take some time to turn our minds to the benefits we have reaped from so much time at home, safe with our families. Cooking is it right now – not only because so many restaurants have been closed, but because what may have once been harried meals squeezed into busy days, have become more deliberate markers of passing time, in a whole new pace. We are putting more care and thought into how we prepare our food, how we enjoy it, and appreciate it. We do not cease to mourn the losses from the pandemic, and we must not forget to count our many blessings - and there is no better place to do that, again and again, than at the table over food. Flatware to lift nourishment to our mouths, plates upon which to serve our offerings, bowls that hold family-sized portions, even tiny, precious salt cellars, the napkins to wipe away stray crumbs and the placemats that anchor it all – settings elevate our experience every day and for that, and for so much more, we are thankful.