Right On


We’re in the midst of a revolution – to ignore it is to be at best pessimistic, and at worst, on the wrong side of history.  Regardless of the governing system, the message of the people must be heard and the majority of us support progress. Beyond the news cycle and the cacophony of “voices” fueled by powers that aim to keep our nation and world in a state of divide, we believe that fundamentally, all human beings want the same things: dignity, equitable access to basic necessities, community, support, peace when we close our eyes at night, the ability hold our families close, and the freedom to love and be loved. These are the universal needs and truths that stretch across time and all cultures.

Where would we be if we were to move aside the poisonous masculine desire for power, war and money, banish the runaway female energies of jealousy, fear and uncertainty? To reach a place where people live in peace, and with the ability to care for themselves and love each other respectfully, we must make change toward greater equality – between men and women (we are all capable of possessing both masculine and feminine energies), for people of every complexion and any outward appearances, for people across the spectrum of sexuality and gender, and of the entire range of physical or mental ability. How we get to a place of true equilibrium in economy, philosophy, connection and spirit remains to be seen – but we’re willing, at a bare minimum, to envision a future that looks brighter than anything we’ve ever dreamed. Do what you can, use what you can, to make the world better.

Shoppe Online, EditorialHillary3