Keen, Curious, Cautiously Optimistic

What brings this 2021? What will it look like, feel like, sound like? What is its motive, its angle? What is its deal??

As we turn the corner, easing out of this rather tumultuous year, all of us here at Shoppe Object are deep in our gratitude, filled with thanks; grateful for our health, our shelter and the well-being of those we know and love, and thankful for the boundless spirit and agency of our creative community to persevere and prosper.

And we are ready! Ready to GO! Ready to roll up our sleeves and ROCK & ROLL!!

And yet... are we? Do we really want that full throttle, nonstop rhythm just yet? Do we want to hop on planes, check in and out of hotels, eat our meals on the run? Do we want to work just like we used to? Do we want to "get back to normal"? By the way – what is normal!?

Here we are, on the precipice of Earth's next orbit around the Sun, and this much we know: we made it. We did good. We slowed down, took stock and found our footing. We pivoted, found strength in our resolve, and supported our friends and neighbors. There are so many things to ponder as we leave this lemon of a year behind us… so much to untangle and to process, to reinvent and reimagine. It is daunting and formidable, and frankly quite exciting. It will take hard work and patience, sure, but rest assured – we have learned a ton, and there will be more lemonade. We will continue to create new ways of being, new ways of seeing, and new ways of working that make room for what’s most important: more quality, more living, more time.

We welcome you, 2021. We look forward to getting to know you. One day at a time.

Shoppe Online, EditorialHillary4