A Person Can Dream


Dreams don’t come true, they are true. Aren’t they? If our brains are complex computers, we can think of dreaming as a sort of processor that runs while we sleep. Backing up files, sorting through the images and emotions we’ve been feeding it all day, and operating on the same system as in our waking hours. Dreams tell us what we already know. They reveal how we really feel, and how we really are – or at least how we perceive ourselves. An overactive dream life or worse, nightmares (tell those spirits to leave you in peace!), mean we need to work on defragging or system repairing our brains while we’re awake, so make it a habit to tune in to the station that plays after your eyes flutter closed. Listen to the songs, the stories, the words, the people, the colors and things that stick with you as you shift to a wakened state each morning – because they’re all flowing behind the scenes to tell you….something. Make it a practice though journaling, or just dedicating time to downloading. Soon you’ll be controlling those dreams, heck, you might even fly. Wondering along the way if you have dreamed you were a butterfly or whether you are a butterfly dreaming you are a human… and all that good stuff. Here, the goods to accompany you on your journey.

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